Support the Museum to preserve the past and protect the future!
1907 Reliable Dayton High Wheeler at the Museum
Membership Support Levels
Friend Free
Partner $20
Director’s Circle $50
Founder’s Circle $100
Patron’s Circle $250
Collector’s Circle $500
All members receive our e-newsletters.
Paying members receive a 10% discount in the McCormick Cabin’s Trading Post, a free yearly research request, and our printed newsletter.
Traditional Apsáalooke horse gear loaned to the Museum from world-renowned artist Birdie Real Bird from 2021 to 2023.
Donations and Loans
Do you have an object you want to preserve
for future generations?
Would you like to temporarily share your collection with the public?
For more information, contact:
Share your time and talent with Yellowstone County Museum! We have numerous volunteer opportunities in collections care, special events, exhibit construction, and research!
Support the YCM by purchasing an historical Montana Avenue brick!
Your historical brick will be custom engraved with your choice of text and graphics. All bricks will be permanently placed near the front entrance of the Museum.
Each 4 x 8” historical brick is $200 and tax deductible.!
For more information call (406) 670-0888