Education and Outreach

·Here at the Yellowstone County Museum, we know that education is a lifelong endeavor that doesn’t just happen in the classroom. Our education outreach program provides school-age children with an historical education and appreciation of the importance to preserve and conserve artifacts. We provide local school students with a hands-on experience dealing with prehistoric and historic objects. Our direct approach draws heavy interest from students encouraging them to pursue a deeper understanding of the past.

If you are interested in the YCM visiting your class or for a free tour of the museum, please contact the Museum today!
(406) 670-0888

In-House Activities


Meryl Cheep and her friends are heading south for the winter, but they’re nowhere to be seen! She thinks they may have gotten lost in the museum.
Can you help her find them?


Traveling Presentation

Interested in the Museum coming to visit your civic or school group? YCM staff offer public programs that can be tailored to any age group! See the general topics below.

Prehistoric Life in Montana
Montana Tribal Nations
Early Pioneers in Billings
Firearms and Southeast Montana
Paul McCormick Cabin