Board members from left to right: Jon Pierce (previous member), Charles Yegen, Don Cantrell, Dianne Copper, Don Copper, Barry Beringer, Carol Trawick, Gary Levine, Susan Edwards, Brandy GoesAhead, Dianne Lehm, and Russ Hart,
Not in photo: Lacey Gonzales, Marcie Cooke Limpp, and Randy Bentley.
Foundation Board Members
Chair: Susan Edwards
First Chair: Barry Beringer
Second Vice Chair: Don Cantrell
Secretary: Brandy GoesAhead
Treasurer: Dianne Lehm
Member: Donovan Cooper
Member: Charles Yegen
Member: Lacey Gonzales
Member: Randy Bentley
County Board Members
Commissioner: John Ostlund
Chairman: Gary Levine
Member: Russ Hart
Member: Dianne Cooper
Member: Carol Trawick
Member: Marcie Cooke Limpp
Museum Staff
Executive Director: Zach Garhart
Curator of Collections: Christian Coppedge
Museum Educator: Lauren Molin
Board Committees
Fundraising – coordinate and oversee fundraising events.
Chair – Susan Edwards
Members – Dianne Cooper, Charlie Yegen, Carol Trawick, Marcie Limpp, Dianne Lehm, Brandy GoesAhead
Collections – identify and review new acquisitions as outlined in the Collections Management Policy and review any action dealing with items suggested for deaccession with a majority vote.
Chair – Charlie Yegen
Members – Don Cantrell, Barry Beringer, Don Cooper, Lacey Gonzales, Susan Edwards, Brandy GoesAhead
Marketing – develop a marketing plan, strategy, and collateral materials to increase membership, community awareness, visitation, and patron involvement. Review and revise the plan as needed.
Chair – Dianne Lehm
Members – Lacey Gonzales, Russ Hart
Buildings and Grounds – determine and review recommendations for repairs, maintenance, operations, additions, and/or improvements to YCM building and ground. Review and revise the Disaster Plan.
Chair – Barry Beringer
Members – Gary Levine, Don Cantrell
Executive - holds quarterly meetings to discuss and review the endowment trust fund, investments, and requests of loans for the benefit of the Museum. The committee is charged with building the net worth of the endowment trust fund through fundraisers, grants, donations, pledges, and memorials.
Chair - Susan Edwards
Members - Barry Beringer, Don Cantrell, Brandy GoesAhead, Dianne Lehm
Code of Ethics
The Yellowstone County Museum Institutional Code of Ethics expresses the institution’s policies which are consistent with the public service it affirms in its mission statement. The policy puts the interests of the public ahead of the interests of the institution or of any individual and encourages conduct that merits public confidence. See the full code by clicking the link below.